
WOPA Letter 25 - My Story

My story starts when I was 15 years old. 

I was part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, but I was inactive and I could not really tell you anything about Jesus Christ. That being said, I met a guy who I thought I loved and I thought he loved me back, with whom I broke the law of chastity with a few times. 

WOPA Letter 24 - My Story

Our story begins just a few short months after I returned from an LDS mission. I was introduced to my now husband (also a returned missionary) and we began to date. We made each other laugh, had the same values and goals and a deep love of the Gospel.

WOPA Letter 23 - My Story

They say hindsight is 20/20.

Looking back I can recognize the red flags and the slow descent of our marriage. You’d think I could have recognized the sharp drops for what they were, but it was just so natural to make excuses for them. It was far easier to blame myself for being paranoid, ridiculous, or at fault. Rebuilding trust in myself has actually been harder than rebuilding trust in my husband.